Times & Directions Give

Worship, Equip, Proclaim

Sunday Morning and Evening Worship

10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Sunday School Classes

9:30 a.m.

Church Address

5000 Stewart Mill Road,

Douglasville, GA 30135

Phone: 770.489.6758

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Evangelicals and Race

Here is an excellent piece in the Washington Post by one of our missionaries, Aaron Halbert, about the birth of their three daughters, who are a different race than he and his wife, Rachel....

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Got Doctrine?

One of the things needed in American Evangelicalism today is, not less, but more doctrine and its application into our lives. Have you ever heard of the Westminster Confession of Faith, along with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms? Theyprovide an excellent summary of the Scriptures teachings on a whole host of issues. Click here for a brief discussion onit's history, conte...

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Jesus Rose?

Skeptics claim that Jesus' resurrection seems ludicrous. Here is a helpful resource explaining the logic and historicity of the resurrection....

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Ways to Share the Gospel

Do you have a hard time understanding what your role is in evangelism? Do struggle to share the Gospel? Here is a biblical paradigm and some practical helps in being salt and light to those around you....

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Scripture and Transmission

Can we trust that the Bible has been accurately transmitted throughout the centuries?Absolutely! Here is an excellent article talking about how and why we can....

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Can I Trust the Bible?

We live in a world where trust is a fundamental issue, and that certainly plays itself out in what people think about the Bible. "Can I trust it," is often asked. Here is a helpful and brief response to this question....

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Family Worship Resource

Looking for helpful resources to aid in family worship? Here is an excellent one which will serve young and old alike. It is a systematic theology for kids called The Ology: Ancient Truths Ever New. Pick up and read. Use and apply....

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The Freedom to Choose

What is the defining characteristic of man? What makes someone a person? In our secular society it is the freedom to choose. It is the will that is deemed sovereign.But what are the logical consequences of such an assertion? Here is a helpful articlelooking at these issues through the subject of sexuality. ...

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Crisis in American Protestantism?

In light of our current Evangelical religious climate,is there a crisis in American Protestantism? Here is an excellent response from Carl Trueman. In one word, it is . . . vintage....

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Remembering the God Who Remembered You

Per last Sunday evening's sermon from 1 Samuel 12 and the emphasis to remember God, here is a helpful post offering further explanation and application....

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